David 'Dave' Ernest Goodenough, Grandad to His Mind Founder Ryan, took his own life in 2022 and is a big reason His Mind remain motivated to provide a safe space for men.
David is remembered with his name printed on the sleeve of the His Mind FC football shirt, as well as a teddy bear His Mind were gifted with in 2023 being named after him.
His Mind is a non-clinical advocacy and support network for men, working to help raise awareness and challenge the stigmas around men's mental health.
Started by Ryan in 2022 His Mind offers a space for men to feel recognised and heard, whilst also providing space for men to improve their physical and emotional wellbeing.
In addition to this, His Mind provides 1:1 support for children [subject to availability] and have delivered training on working with children to an Alternative Provision in Didcot, Oxfordshire. Ryan also provides consultancy to the same provision for safeguarding and mentoring needs.
Now run by Ryan & Craig, His Mind has developed to offer advice and guidance to men who may need support for their emotional wellbeing. This is also offered in our football sessions which have been well-attended
and we have received great feedback for
His Mind is completely confidential and treats every member of the network with the utmost respect and sincerity. At His Mind, we look to be progressive and offer support to anyone who identifies as a man, irrespective of race, sexuality, sex at birth, abled/disabled, and more.
His Mind prides itself on promoting kindness, and we would expect members of our community to share those principles.